Don’t worry if you have a problem!This is easy to say if you don't have one yourself I know. But the only people who don't have troubles are gathered in little neighborhoods. We call them cemeteries (坟墓) .
If you're breathing you have difficulties. That's how life is. But believe it or not most of your problems may actually be good for you!Let me explain.
Maybe you know about the Great Barrier Reef (大堡樵) ,running some 1 800 miles from New Guinea(新几内亚) to Australia* Tour guides often take visitors to see the reef. On one tour the guide was asked an interesting questioru “I notice that the lagoon (泻湖) side of the reef looks pale and lifeless while the ocean side is lively and colorful. Why is this?”
The guide answered “The coral (珊瑚) around the lagoon side is still in water. With no challenge to its survival (生存) ,it dies early. The coral on the ocean side is always being tested by wind waves and storms. It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged and tested it changes and grows healthy and grows strong." He added “That's the way it is with every living thing.
That's how it is with people. Challenged and tested we come alive!Like coral by the sea we grow. Physical problems make for a stronger body. Stress makes for a stronger mind.
So you have problems —no problem!Just tell yourself “There I grow again!”
() 6. From the beginning of the passage we know .
A. we needn’t worry about our problem
B. problems follow us all the time
C. it^s natural to face all kinds of problems
D. all the above
() 7. Who has no problems according to the passage?
A. The persons who are very famous.
B. The persons who are dead.
C. The persons who have been born.
D. The persons who have much money.
() 8. In the writer's opinion .
A. problems bring us much trouble
B. we should try to stay away from any trouble
C. problems have two sides good and bad
D. the fewer things we do the less trouble we5ll meet
() 9. The reawSon why lagoon side of the reef has no life is .
A. it hasn't got any sunlight
B. it never faces any challenge or test
C. it has less energy than others
D. it has no work to do every day
() 10. After reading this passage we should .
A. regard (将......看作) any problem as challenges
B. learn from the lagoon side
C. worry about your problems
D. enter cemeteries
6-10 DBCBA
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