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SAT2物理中的一道题,有关Heisenberg uncertainty principleThe Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that(A)we can measure the position of an electron only if we know its momentum(B)we can measure the momentum of an electron only if we know it

SAT2物理中的一道题,有关Heisenberg uncertainty principle
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that
(A)we can measure the position of an electron only if we know its momentum
(B)we can measure the momentum of an electron only if we know its position
(C)only one electron can exist in the lowest energy level of an atom
(D)light can behave like a wave or a photon
(E)there is a limit to the accuracy of the measurement of subatomic particles
顺便帮我解释一下什么是Heisenberg uncertainty principle,
Heisenberg uncertainty principle其实就是通常所说的测不准原理,在量子力学条件下常见的如能量和时间,动量和位置等是不能完全确定的,以能量和时间为例,根据测不准原理对于极小的例子,是不可能同时测得时间和能量的精确量的,当然也不能同时测出准确的动量值和粒子所在位置.
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