早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
根据提示短语和单词写一篇有关MARY和农场中动物的文章.提示短语.(friends,sing,dance,beautiful song,swin,in the river,on the grass)以第一人称写,不少于60个单词 这是篇什么文?只回答这个问题就好了
提示短语.(friends,sing,dance,beautiful song,swin,in the river,on the grass)以第一人称写,不少于60个单词
提示短语.(friends,sing,dance,beautiful song,swin,in the river,on the grass)以第一人称写,不少于60个单词
My name is Mary.I have a farm,and there are some animals on it.Some of them are my good friends.Look!There is a cock.It can sing and dance like a star.Its voice is just like a beautiful song.And there are some ducks swimming in the river.Sometimes they have a rest on the grass.I like playing with them very much.
My name is Mary.I have a farm,and there are some animals on it.Some of them are my good friends.Look!There is a cock.It can sing and dance like a star.Its voice is just like a beautiful song.And there are some ducks swimming in the river.Sometimes they have a rest on the grass.I like playing with them very much.
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