早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



61. In 2015 the company c         him with using the company’s money for his own purposes. (指控)

62. They are likely to            positively to the president’s request for aid. (回复;反应)

63. He was very          (不快的;不安的;心烦意乱的) that Mary didn’t reply to his letters.

64. A $150           has been offered for the return of the stolen painting.(悬赏;奖赏)

65. We decided not to explore the                areas because of environment protection.


66. A missile rises from its launching site then shrieks(尖叫) through and beyond the

     atmosphere at an               speed . believe

67. She dreamt of future              as an Olympic champion.(荣誉;光荣)

68. Having a job gives you financial                . (depend)

69. I will          it if you could help turn the TV up to make the programs heard more clearly.   


70.This boy was misled by bad                .(同伴;伴侣)

71.The fire was e           caused by their neglect of duty. (完全地)

72. How you face these challenges will determine your stress and             levels.(焦虑;不安)

73. One of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards a           boat.

74. People are not so honest as they once were. The          to steal is greater than ever

   before---- especially in large shops.

75. F         speaking I'd rather you didn’t do anything about it for the time being.(坦率地)

 61-70  charged  respond upset reward  surrounding  unbelievable  glory independence  appreciate   compani...