早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享

the plane didn't arrived at the airport on time yesterday evening.the plane can't have arrived atthe airport on time yesterday evening.为什么填have arrived

the plane didn't arrived at the airport on time yesterday evening.the plane can't have arrived at
the airport on time yesterday evening.
为什么填have arrived
1.The plane __arrived at__the airport on time though it rained hard yesterday.2.I think it is _a good idea_____ to ask the teacher for help.3.I am free all the time.You can call me __at any time__.4.you’d better take a bus there.It is about three kilometres __away______ from here.5.Please _bring___ your new dictionary here tomorrow,.6.Why not take a camera with us?It is good __to take photos__ on the Great Wall.7.you _must be__ tired after a two-hour walk.,8.---What’s your plan for the coming holiday?---We _will be off_____ to California.II 用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.It’s interesting _to watch___ the football match last night.2.Where _do___ they __want to go______ in the coming holiday?3.all the students sat there quietly __waiting__________ for their teacher.4.It’s time for class.Let’s __stop taking__.5.Don’t fortet__to turn___ off the lights before you leave the classroom.III.翻译句子 1.春天是种树的最好季节.It is __the best season to plant trees__ in spring 2.按时完成这项工程是最好的选择.It is a good choice___ to finish the project on time __.3.什么时候是去北京最好的时机?When is __the best occassion to go to Beijing_?4.如果你要环游中国,最好带上地图.It is better__to take the map of China with you _ if you __travell_all over China.____________.5.天冷时最重要的是保暖.It is very important __to keep warm___ when __it is cold___.6.与其他城市相比,悉尼是一个适合居住的好地方.Sydney is _a more comfortable place to live than__ the other _cities_______.7.认真选择要看的地方和要去的时间是重要的.It is important __to choose the visiting place __and the visiting time_.8.昨天这里下了大雪.There was _a heavy snow here last night__.9.春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和.Spring is here.The weather _is getting warmer and warmer___.10.别忘了带相机,有很多东西值得看.Don’t __forget to take your camera _.There are lots of __things for us to visit__________.