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Six miners( 矿工) were excavating(挖掘) coal in a deep mine.Suddenly,the mine fell down and the exits were blocked (封锁).Accidents always happened in that area.By experience,they knew that the biggest problem was lack of oxygen.The air in the mine could only keep them alive for three hours.
Among the six miners,only one had a watch.So they made him tell them the time every half an hour.When the first half of an hour passed,the miner who had a watch said,"Half an hour passed." He worried because he knew that he was telling them how far they were from death.Then he got an idea.He decided not to make his friends die so painfully.The second half of an hour passed,but he said nothing.When another fifteen minutes passed,he said,"An hour already." In fact,it had passed 75 minutes.Another hour passed,the miner said,"Another half an hour." The other five miners all thought that only 90 minutes had passed.Only the miner who had a watch knew that 135 minutes had already passed.
Four hours after the accident,rescuers (救援者) came.To their surprise,five of the miners were still alive and only one died - he was the one who had a watch.
This is the power of faith.The miner who had a watch gave hope to his friends.However,he died because he knew the truth.
56.The reading is mainly about ______
A.how the accidents happened
B.why the miners had three hours to last
B.one miner giving hope to his friends to live
C.the six miners helping each other to stay alive
57.The biggest problem in the mine was ______
A.faith B.water C.food D.air
58.We learn from the reading that ______
A.accidents seldom happened in that area
B.the six miners had no experience of accidents
C.five of the miners stayed alive for more than 4 hours
D.a watch is helpful for miners' lives to last
59.The reason why one miner died was that ______
A.he was the weakest one among the six B.he knew the exact time in the mine
C.the other five had no watches D.he was last to be taken out
60.The rescuers had thought ______
A.only one of the miners would have died
B.only one of the miners would have been alive
C.no one of the miners would have died
D.no one of the miners would have been alive
58, C
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