早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享

英语翻译p6:How are we going to play this game?Hello,everybody!This is an interesting game.First,it needs someone to start or stop the music.Who wants to come to the front and do this?Good.Now listen carefully.Each of you puts a book on your head

p6:How are we going to play this game?
Hello,everybody!This is an interesting game.First,it needs someone to start or stop the music.Who wants to come to the front and do this?Good.
Now listen carefully.Each of you puts a book on your head and walks around the room while the music is playing.When the music stops,everyone must stop,go down on one knee,raise both hands in the air and stand up again without dropping the book.WHen everyone has done so,the music starts again and everyone goes on walking as before.If someone has dropped the book,he is out of the game.The last one with the book still on his or her head is the winner.Let's play now.
Happy all year roud,
Happy all year roud.
We are visiting the world on a merry-go-round.
Watching the beautiful stars.
We are smelling the flowers from our lovely car.