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英语翻译The British defence company BAE Systems is to pay a fine of 400 million dollars to the United States government for misleading it over arms deals.It was accused of breaching undertakings it gave to the US over payments to a Saudi official

The British defence company BAE Systems is to pay a fine of 400 million dollars to the United States government for misleading it over arms deals.It was accused of breaching undertakings it gave to the US over payments to a Saudi official as part of a 40-billion-dollar weapons deal.BAE will also pay a fine of nearly 50 million dollars to the British government over an arms deal with Tanzania.The Director of the Serious Fraud Office in London Richard Alderman said he was delighted with the outcome of the case
英国国防公司“BAE Systems ”由于不正当的军火交易要罚款4亿美元给美国佬.它被控告违背了自己给美国的承诺:即给予沙特官方部分报酬作为400亿美元武器交易.BAE公司同时还要为其与Tanzania的军火交易而交付5000万罚金给英国政府.the Serious Fraud Office in London Richard Alderman的主管说他对此案件中的收获(就是指那笔钱)感到很高兴.