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一主、 二宾、三不变--谈谈直接引语变间接引语人称变化规律 把直接引语变为间接引语时,人称变化比较复杂.有不少同学常在这一问题上大伤脑筋.这里的人称变化(包括人称代词、物主代词和反身代词的变化)究竟有无规律可循?有.这就是:一主、二宾、三不变.这个规律列表如下:(直接引语为祈使句,变为间接引语不是复合句而是简单句,第二人称的变化就与简单句宾语的人称保持一致) 请看下列句子:1.He says,“I did my homework myself yesterday.”→ He says that he did his homework himself the day before. 直接引语中的I,my和myself变化时与主句的he的人称保持一致,分别变为he,his和himself.2.She said to Tom,“Can you lend your dictionary to me?”→ She asked Tom whether(if)he could lend his dictionary to her. 直接引语中的you和your变化时与主句的间接宾语Tom的人称保持一致,分别变为he和his;me与主句的主语she的人称保持一致,变为her.3.He says,“My sister was here three days ago,but she is not here now.”→ He says that his sister was there three days before,but she is not there then. 直接引语中的my变化时与主句的主语he的人称保持一致,变为his;she是第三人称,保持不变.当原句中没有间接宾语时,变为间接引语则要将直接引语中的呼语变为宾语或间接宾语;呼语也没有时,则要另外加上一个宾语或间接宾语,这个宾语或间接宾语可以是me或us,或是其它代词或名词.这时,直接引语中的第二人称也就与这个变化或者加上的宾语或间接宾语的人称保持一致.这仍不违背“一主、二宾、三不变”规律中“二宾”这一条.例如:4.One of the girls said,“Let me go on with your work,Mr.Wang.”→ One of the girls asked Mr.Wang to let her go on with his work. 直接引语中的your与由呼语变来的宾语Mr.Wang的人称保持一致,变为his.5.He says,“Where did you see her last night?”→ He asks me where I saw her the night before.