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英语翻译What you see is what you get You've probably heard the expression,"What you see is what you get."My grandfather used to say,"If you look at a tree long enough,it will move."we see what we want to see.Psychologists tell us that nothing con

What you see is what you get You've probably heard the expression,"What you see is what you get."My grandfather used to say,"If you look at a tree long enough,it will move."we see what we want to see.Psychologists tell us that nothing controls our life more than our self-image.We live the person we see in the mirror.We are what we think we are.If you don't think you'll be successful,you won't.You can't be it if you can't see it .Your life is limited to your vision.If you want to change your life,you must change your vision of your life.
楼上的好像还是在用机器翻译……这是当年高考备考背过的文章,好像是讲施瓦辛格的成长…… 参考译文如下:《你看到的就是你得到的》 你一定听过这样的说法:“你看到的就是你得到的”.我爷爷常常说:“如果你一直盯着一棵树看,树都会走路.”我们看在眼里的就是我们想要看的东西.心理学家告诉我们,比任何东西更能控制我们人生的是我们的自我意象.我们像在镜子里看到的自己一样地活着.自己是自我感觉的自己.如果你不认为自己会成功,那你就不会成功.你看不到也就达不到.你的人生是受你的抱负限制的.如果你想改变你的人生,你就必须改变你的人生理想.