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初三英语短文填空 急求大神们速度解决Every year,people plant many trees.Every country has its 1 Tree Planting Day.Why are trees so important?Do you know? Trees have always been 2 and important to man who makes use of them. Every year

初三英语短文填空 急求大神们速度解决
Every year,people plant many trees.Every country has its 1 Tree Planting Day.Why are trees so important?Do you know?
Trees have always been 2 and important to man who makes use of them. Every year trees are serving man in many 3. Trees supply man with fruits and building materials in the form of wood. If there were no trees, it would be impossible to make many things, such 4 desks, chairs and bed.
Trees can stop man from the terrible heat. They are 5 useful in preventing rich soil from being washed away during heavy rains. Without 6,heavy rains will wash away the rich surface soil that is so important to plants. The result is that the land will 7 a desert. There are many desert areas 8 to be very rich areas, but in the past man didn't have enough knowledge about nature, they cut 9 too many trees. By and by,the rich surface soil was blown and washed away by strong winds and heavy rains. In the end the rich land changed into useless deserts where 10 could grow.
People should not miss any chance to plant trees. Trees are our good friends.

打得我好辛苦呀, 急求速度解答啊. 文章中有10个数字请填空.
大神们速度啊,, 有追加分奖励
1own 2useful 3hands 4like 5very 6trees 7become 8ever 9much 10hardly
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