早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



Statistics show that nearly three-quarters of 30-year-of Italian males still live at their parents’ home.

The Italian(36) grows up thinking his other is the Virgin Mary and so (37) he thinks he is Jesus or God’s gift to the world. It is not (38) that Italian males find it very difficult to (39) home. Their mothers make sure that their(40) are so cosseted(宠爱)that they have no real wish to leave. Even when they are (41) they continue to behave as if they aren’t taking their(42) home at least once a week for their mother(43) and iron.

They (44) treating home as a hotel just like teenagers in northern European countries. Why give up a life of luxury and financial(45) with a woman who treats you as the Son of God for an (46) future with a woman(47) might ask you to do things around the (48) that you have never (49) to do like making your bed or drying the dishes?

In fact young Italian males (50) no choice. There is little tradition of them(51) away from home during their student years and it is(52) for them to find decent jobs until they are in their thirties;(53) the absence of suitably priced accommodation makes it practically(54) for them to afford to move out. They find themselves(55) in a trap: wanting to live on their own but unable to leave the nest and under fire for not doing so.

A.child         B.male  C.student      D.female

A.hopefully          B.naturally    C.happily       D.generally

A.surprising        B.exciting      C.easy   D.convenient

A.go   B.come C.leave D.return

A.sons         B.sisters        C.friends        D.children

A.married  B.well    C.tried  D.ill

A.books      B.clothes       C.cars   D.bicycles

A.make       B.cook   C.wash D.see

A.turn up    B.end up        C.get up         D.pick up

A.difficulty        B.problem     C.trouble       D.security

A.bright    B.uncertain   C.splendid     D.prornising

A.when        B.who                C.what            D.which

A.house    B.corner        C.place D.school

A.remembered         B.forgot         C.stopped     D.learnt

A.like         B.prefer         C.hate   D.have

A.going     B.living  C.putting       D.getting

A.unusual          B.usual C.worried      D.nervous

A.but         B.when C.while D.where

A.different        B.impossible C.important  D.casual

A.dressed         B.convinced  C.determined        D.caught





















