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born July 27,1824,Paris,Fr.
died Nov.27,1895,Marly-le-Roi
French playwright and novelist,one of the founders of the “problem play”—that is,of the middle-class realistic drama treating some contemporary ill and offering suggestions for its remedy.
Dumas fils,the illegitimate son of Alexandre Dumas père,possessed a good measure of his father's literary fecundity,but the work of the two men could scarcely be more different.His first success was a novel,La Dame aux camélias (1848),but he found his vocation when he adapted the story into a play,known in English as Camille,first performed in 1852.(Giuseppe Verdi based his opera La Traviata,first performed in 1853,on this play.) Although his father had written colourful historical plays and novels,Dumas fils specialized in drama set in the present.The unhappy witness of the ruin brought on his father by illicit love affairs,Dumas fils devoted his plays to sermons on the sanctity of the family and of marriage; Le Demi-Monde (performed 1855),for example,dealt with the threat to the institution of marriage posed by prostitutes.Modern audiences usually find Dumas's drama verbose and sententious,but in the late 19th century eminent critics praised his plays for their moral seriousness.He was admitted to the French Academy in 1875.
Among his most interesting plays are Le Fils naturel (1858; “The Natural Son”) and Un Père prodigue (1859),a dramatization of Dumas's interpretation of his father's character.
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