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Painter sculptor architect musician anatomist(解剖学家) inventor engineer and scientist. All these titles belong to a Renaissance(文艺复兴时期) Italian-Leonardo da Vinci1452~1519. The versatility(多才多艺) and creative power of Leonardo mark him as a supreme example of universal genius.

     Leonardo is famous for his masterly paintings such as The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. Though there is debate whether Leonardo himself painted the Mona Lisa or not it is known that it was probably his favorite piece. He most likely kept it with him at all times and did not travel without it. Thousands of people see it each year in the Louvre nowadays drawing their own interpretation(理解) on what is known as the Mona Lisa’s most enigmatic(神秘的) feature her smile.

     Perhaps even more impressive than his artistic work are his studies in science and engineering. In his notebooks art and science were fused(融合) in some 13000 pages of notes and drawings.

      Leonardo designed many inventions such as flying machines. Today’s researchers find that many of Leonardo’s inventions anticipated modern technology though they were rarely constructed in his lifetime.

    Leonardo’s The Last Supper has become one of the most widely appreciated masterpieces in the world. It began to gain its reputation immediately after it was finished in 1498 and its prestige(声望) has never lessened. Best-seller The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is based on the idea that there is a secret code in the painting. The upcoming movie The Da Vinci Code will probably be a big hit as well

1What made Leonado Da Vinci one of the most understanding geniuses?

       Ahis achievements in painting and architecture

       Bhis achievements in science and engineering

       Chis rich knowledge and creative power

       Dhis masterly paintings The Last Supper and The Mona Lisa

2Which of the following is NOT TRUE about The Mona Lisa?

       AIt was one of Da Vinci’s most famous paintings.

       BThere is a secret code in it according to the Best-seller The Da Vinci Code.

       Cit was probably Da Vinci’S favorite painting.

       DIt is doubted not to be painted by Da Vinci himself.

3The third paragraph tries to tell us Da Vinci’s achievements about      .

       Ascience and art                                    Bengineering and science

       CThe Last Supper                                  Dengineering and art

4The underlined word “hit” in the last sentence means           .

       Asuccess        Bchallenge         Cevent         Dchance



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