早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I will first causes to find some friends understand the contradiction between them produces.2,if the contradiction between them is due to some misunderstanding,I will find a chance to let them sit together,to eliminate misunderstanding.3,if one party has the contradiction caused by the wrong,I will be with a wrong side to talk,let him understand his mistake,and his mistakes to each other as early as the damage.Encourage him wrong to admit errorsapologize to each other,to make up for the losses of the other party.4,I will tell a wrong side to talk,let him knoweach other know wrong and regret,please him generous,after all,the loss of a friend is a great loss.5,if both sidesare wrong,I will tell them their respective errors,and the damage caused to the other party.Let them to admit their mistakes and apologize to each other,to bury the hatchet.
I will first causes to find some friends understand the contradiction between them produces.2,if the contradiction between them is due to some misunderstanding,I will find a chance to let them sit together,to eliminate misunderstanding.3,if one party has the contradiction caused by the wrong,I will be with a wrong side to talk,let him understand his mistake,and his mistakes to each other as early as the damage.Encourage him wrong to admit errorsapologize to each other,to make up for the losses of the other party.4,I will tell a wrong side to talk,let him knoweach other know wrong and regret,please him generous,after all,the loss of a friend is a great loss.5,if both sidesare wrong,I will tell them their respective errors,and the damage caused to the other party.Let them to admit their mistakes and apologize to each other,to bury the hatchet.
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