早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享

英语翻译I. Decide whether the following statements are true (T)or false (F) :1.The Commonwealth of Nations include all European countries.____F_____2..The stereotype of the English gentleman never applied the majority of the British people.__T_

I. Decide whether the following statements are true (T)or false (F) :
1.The Commonwealth of Nations include all European countries.____F_____
2..The stereotype of the English gentleman never applied the majority of the British people.__T______ 
3.Northern Ireland is part of Great Britain._____F_____
4.The Scots and Welsh have a strong sense of being British.____F______
5.Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language,called "Gaelic".__F________
6.Wales is rich in coal deposits.____T______
7.The title of Prince of Wales is held by a Welsh according to tradition.____F______
8."Ulster",referring to Northern Ireland,was once an ancient Irish kingdom.____T______
9.Northern Ireland is significant because of its manufacturing industry._______F___
10.Most British people are Protestants while most Irish people are Catholics.___T_______
11.In Britain,the process of state-building has been one of evolution rather than revolution,in
to France and the U.S._____T_____
12.The divine right of kings means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects.___F_____ 
13.The term "parliament" was first officially used in 1066 to describe the gathering of feudal barons and rep resentatives from counties and towns.____F______ 
14.The parliament can call an election sooner than five years.___F_____
15.Each main party is given some time on national TV to "sell" their policies.The time is not given
free and has to be paid by the party.____T______ 
一,决定是否下列陈述是正确的( T )或假(女) : 1 .英联邦国家,包括所有欧洲countries.____f_____ 2 . .刻板印象的英国绅士从未适用过,大部分的英国people.__t______ 3 .北爱尔兰的一部分的伟大britain._____f___...