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关键词:农村空巢老人 社会工作
Along with the developement and progress of the society, changes have taken place in people's ideology and behavioral pattern. People's the traditional ideology is not taken seriously: such as "bring up the children to support the parents in their old age" “When your parents are alive, do not travel far”and so on. Now income optained from
farm land is hard to to maintain living expences and children pension spending as well. So it is the main way to go out to work as workers to improve their living condition. More and more farmers leave their home to go into town to work in order make a living. The old people are left at home to observe their homes. This forms a special group----rural empty-nesters during the process of transformation of Chinese society. Chinese society are seriously lacking family support for the aged people . Attention paid by society is just not enough. The development of
the cause of rural pension is far behind, in this way the endowment of all kinds problems of the rural empty nesters are derived.
Social cases work can participate or solve the rural empty-nesters pension problems by developing professional service activities for the vulnerable groups. This topic research is based on understanding the rural empty-nesters pension problems and also based on the researched status of other researchers.and it t is is guided by social work concept, Research has studied how to use social cases work mode and methods to promote to solve the rural empty-nesters pension problems. It has certain theoretical significance and practical significance.

rural empty-nesters 农村空巢老人
the pension problem 养老问题
social work 社会工作

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