早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Courage is the ability to be brave in various situation in our life.Here and there,now and then,everyone needs courage to do something well.Courage may make you confident of your success.If you have courage,you will not show fear in face of anything difficult or dangerous.With courage,you mak look someone in the eye who you have wronged and say"I am sorry":you may still smile even if you are seriously ill and know you are at the end of your life.
How can we build up our courage?
Believe you will be successful.Take chances and know that you have your own talents.Besides,your family and friends are always there for you.
Exercise your courage.It can be compared to a muscle(肌肉).The more we use it,the stronger courage gets.
Know that giving up is not a choice.It's much easier to give up,and it takes courage to say or do what you think is right,even when other people think you are wrong.
Fight to control your fear.Courageous people may still be afraid,but the differnce is that they can control their fear.
They don't let it hold them back but use it as a reminder of what they can lose if they don't go on.
Get courage by reading inspiring stories of brave people.Abraham Lincoln is one of the people who you may think of.
76.What is courage?___
77.What wil you do in face of difficulty or danger if you don't have courage?___
78.How can courage become stronger?___
79.What is the difference between courageous people and others?___
80.What will you do if you have courage in your study?(请结合自身实际,自拟一句话作答)___.
How can we build up our courage?
Believe you will be successful.Take chances and know that you have your own talents.Besides,your family and friends are always there for you.
Exercise your courage.It can be compared to a muscle(肌肉).The more we use it,the stronger courage gets.
Know that giving up is not a choice.It's much easier to give up,and it takes courage to say or do what you think is right,even when other people think you are wrong.
Fight to control your fear.Courageous people may still be afraid,but the differnce is that they can control their fear.
They don't let it hold them back but use it as a reminder of what they can lose if they don't go on.
Get courage by reading inspiring stories of brave people.Abraham Lincoln is one of the people who you may think of.
76.What is courage?___
77.What wil you do in face of difficulty or danger if you don't have courage?___
78.How can courage become stronger?___
79.What is the difference between courageous people and others?___
80.What will you do if you have courage in your study?(请结合自身实际,自拟一句话作答)___.
答案:76.It is the ability to be brave in various situation in our life.细节理解题.根据第一段第一行句子Courage is the ability to be brave in various situation in our life.可知勇气就是在我们的生活中表示勇敢的能力.故答案为It is the ability to be brave in various situation in our life.
77.We will show fear.细节理解题.根据第一段第二行句子If you have courage,you will not show fear in face of anything difficult or dangerous.如果你有勇气,你面对困难和危险时,你就不会害怕.可知没有勇气时,你面对困难和危险就会害怕.故答案为We will show fear.
78.The more you use it,the stronger it gets.细节理解题.根据第四段句子The more we use it,the stronger courage gets.勇气用的越多,勇气就变得越强大.可知故答案为The more you use it,the stronger it gets.
79.They can control their fear.细节理解题.根据倒数第三段句子Courageous people may still be afraid,but the difference is that they can control their fear.有勇气的人和没有勇气的人不同,因为他们能控制自己的恐惧.可知勇敢的人可能也害怕,但是他们与众不同的是他们能够控制害怕.故答案为They can control their fear.
80.I won't lose heart when I have difficulty in my study.根据整篇文章内容可知当在学习时遇到困难的时候不要灰心.故答案为I won't lose heart when I have difficulty in my study.
77.We will show fear.细节理解题.根据第一段第二行句子If you have courage,you will not show fear in face of anything difficult or dangerous.如果你有勇气,你面对困难和危险时,你就不会害怕.可知没有勇气时,你面对困难和危险就会害怕.故答案为We will show fear.
78.The more you use it,the stronger it gets.细节理解题.根据第四段句子The more we use it,the stronger courage gets.勇气用的越多,勇气就变得越强大.可知故答案为The more you use it,the stronger it gets.
79.They can control their fear.细节理解题.根据倒数第三段句子Courageous people may still be afraid,but the difference is that they can control their fear.有勇气的人和没有勇气的人不同,因为他们能控制自己的恐惧.可知勇敢的人可能也害怕,但是他们与众不同的是他们能够控制害怕.故答案为They can control their fear.
80.I won't lose heart when I have difficulty in my study.根据整篇文章内容可知当在学习时遇到困难的时候不要灰心.故答案为I won't lose heart when I have difficulty in my study.
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