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I went to volunteer homes for the elderly last sunday and i had a good time with the old people there.
That morning,i had a quick breakfast after waking up,then i went to the gerocomium with my classmates.It just was 8:30 when we got there as we had expected.After we said hello to the grandpas and the grandmas,we began to clean up,wash the clothes and so on.What's more,we gave performances which we had ready.The old people felt very happy and we all felt proud that what we had done.When we got home it was already 15:30.
There are a lot of feelings by the thing.We should work hard to cultivate in young people the revolutionary style of taking pleasure in helping others.Who can konw the happiness of helping others?
I went to volunteer homes for the elderly last sunday and i had a good time with the old people there.
That morning,i had a quick breakfast after waking up,then i went to the gerocomium with my classmates.It just was 8:30 when we got there as we had expected.After we said hello to the grandpas and the grandmas,we began to clean up,wash the clothes and so on.What's more,we gave performances which we had ready.The old people felt very happy and we all felt proud that what we had done.When we got home it was already 15:30.
There are a lot of feelings by the thing.We should work hard to cultivate in young people the revolutionary style of taking pleasure in helping others.Who can konw the happiness of helping others?
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