早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.john went to attend the meeting instead of mr black 2.their school is as as ours 3.alex ran so fast that we couldn't catch up with him 4.if it doesn't rain tomorrow,we will go to the park 5.lang lang began his piano studies when he was three years old 6.you'd better ask the man who is wearing a pair of glasses 7.if i am free,i'll help you learn english 8.pansy has made mountains of sandwiches 9.don't stay up late,or you will be sleepy tomorrow 10.i wonder if they are easy to finish 11.let's stop the factory from polluting the river 11.this movie was filled with joy 12.as a matter of fact,you are the right person we are looking for 13.it's not easy for me to find your house 14.it is none of your business 15.simon got up early in order to catch the early bus 16.he was late for school because of the rain 17.i don't speak french,and he doesn't speak french either
1. John went to have the meeting instead of Mr black.
2. Their school is as as ours 原句不完整
3. Alex ran too fast to catch up with.
4. If it rains tomorrow,we will not go to the park.
5. Lang lang began to study piano when he was three years old.
6. You'd better ask the man who wears a pair of glasses.
7. If i have time,I'll help you learn english.
8. Pansy has made plenty of sandwiches.
9. If you stay up late, you will be sleepy tomorrow.
10. I want to know if they are easy to finish.
11. Let's prevent the factory from polluting the river.
12. This movie was full of joy.
13. As a matter of fact,you are the one we are looking for.
14. It's hard for me to find your house.
15. It is not your business.
16. Simon got up so early that he can catch the early bus.
17. He was late for school owing to the rain.
18. I don't speak french, neither does he.
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