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In recent years,Java,as a new programming language,has been widely used with its simplicity,portability and platform independence,the "Snake game",is developed in the background of pure Java.Which is a classic game beacause of its simple,entertaining and popular.Based on Java technology and MyEclipse development environment,This text develop a simple,beautiful,functional "Snake game" the artical make a Detailed description of all phases of development throughout the life cycle of the "Snake game".Firstly,the feasiaability of the development of game software has been introduced,particularly its technical.Secondly,the artical analysis the overall software design,algorithm design,data structure design and property based on its usability and security.Finally,the artical Is focus on analysisin,the game overall design of the building blocks of Class.The Class outline design provide the main frame of the functional modules as well as seven Class module method call relations.Particularly the important methods of each Class module program flow charts and UML diagrams.Meanwhile list contains variables,methods.In order to ensure the correctness and reliability,the article also describes the game software debugging processes and the results of functions test.
Keywords:Java; Snake game; algorithm design; Class module design
In recent years, Java, as a new programming language, has been widely used with its simplicity, portability and platform independence. The "Snake game" is developed in the background of pure Java. It is a classic game which is simple, entertaining and popular. Based on Java technology and MyEclipse development environment, this text develops a simple, beautiful, functional "Snake game" .The artical make a detailed description of all phases of development throughout the life cycle of the "Snake game". Firstly, the feasibility of the development of game software has been widely known,
particularly the technology embedded in it. Secondly, the artical analysis the overall software design, algorithm design, data structure design and property based on its usability and security. Finally, the artical focus on analysisin, the game overall design of the building blocks of Class. The Class outline design provides the main frame of the functional modules as well as seven Class module method call relations. Particularly the important methods of each Class module program flow charts and UML diagrams. Meanwhile list contains variables, methods. In order to ensure the correctness and reliability.
The article also describes the game software debugging processes and the results of functions test.
Keywords: Java; Snake game; algorithm design; Class module design
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