早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
This article studies two of the four special cases,namely thinking is moving and THINKING IS SEEING,that constitute the metaphor system THE MIND IS A ceptual metapohors are grounded in our common bodily experience of spatial actibities is fundamentally stuctured by metapors consisting of mappings from the domain of body and bodily experiences.It is found that,while the chinese expressions under analysis largely conform to the conceptual map-pings originally derived from linguistic evidence in English (Lakoff and Johnson 1999),there exists a difference between these two languages that reflects a significant difference between the related cultures.That is,Western cultures' binary contrast between the heart.the seat of emotions,and where the heart is conceptualized as housting both emotions and thoughts.It is a case in which different cultural models interpret the functioning of the mind and the body differently.
keyword:thinking;conceptual metaphor;linguistic manifestation;bodily experience;cultural model; embodied mind.
During the past two decades,cognitive science has seriously chanllenged the fundamental assumption that most of our thinking about the world is literal,directly corresponding to an external reality.The result of cognitive linguistic studies show that human minds are embodies,and thinking and reasoning are largely metaphorical and imaginative,shaped by yhe human body(e.g.,Gibbs 1994; Johnson 1987; Lakoff 1987; Lakoff and Johnson
This article studies two of the four special cases,namely thinking is moving and THINKING IS SEEING,that constitute the metaphor system THE MIND IS A ceptual metapohors are grounded in our common bodily experience of spatial actibities is fundamentally stuctured by metapors consisting of mappings from the domain of body and bodily experiences.It is found that,while the chinese expressions under analysis largely conform to the conceptual map-pings originally derived from linguistic evidence in English (Lakoff and Johnson 1999),there exists a difference between these two languages that reflects a significant difference between the related cultures.That is,Western cultures' binary contrast between the heart.the seat of emotions,and where the heart is conceptualized as housting both emotions and thoughts.It is a case in which different cultural models interpret the functioning of the mind and the body differently.
keyword:thinking;conceptual metaphor;linguistic manifestation;bodily experience;cultural model; embodied mind.
During the past two decades,cognitive science has seriously chanllenged the fundamental assumption that most of our thinking about the world is literal,directly corresponding to an external reality.The result of cognitive linguistic studies show that human minds are embodies,and thinking and reasoning are largely metaphorical and imaginative,shaped by yhe human body(e.g.,Gibbs 1994; Johnson 1987; Lakoff 1987; Lakoff and Johnson
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