早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


When was the last time you picked something up to read?You can  (41)___ your answer on your lack of time if you must,but you are missing a lot of wonderful (42)___ of reading.
Reading can   (43)___ people's lives in some of the following ways:(44)___and spiritually.Also,you can acquire (45)___information and enrich your knowledge.
Firstly,the activity of reading helps exercise your mind,(46)___ your mind begins to bend and flex  (伸缩)mentally when reading.Just like taking physical exercise helps you keep slim,(47)___  reading routine ensures that the reading muscle stays iii good  (48)___.Keep on reading,and what you need is a (49)___to make reading a part of your life.
Secondly,reading can also improve your (50)___to focus.Burying your head in a book can free you from your everyday troubles and (51)___for a while.When the mind is trained,it begins to focus on what you are doing(52)___ you can forget those unpleasant things.That's why reading keeps you in good spirits.
Thirdly,there is no greater.(53)___.to getting information than through reading.You can  (54)___  your mind greatly if you insist on reading.You can (55)___the knowledge left by those who came before you,which has (56)___ changed your lives.Nearly all successful people will tell you that they have learned(57)___things by reading and there is at least one book that has greatly changed their lives.
In short,reading can help you to  (58)___ a solid basis for your future,which will allow you to(59)___many goals you have for your life.Reading  (60)___  your success in the future.Start reading right now and you'll make it,
41.A.concentrate B.put C.blame D.pass
42.A.aims B.motivations C.traditions D.benefits
43.A.present B.improve C.assess D.prove
44.A.socially B.materially C.physically D.mentally
45.A.abundant B.limited C.private D.absurd
46.A.as B.so C.or D.but
47.A.usual B.regular C.common D.normal
48.A.size B.shape C.height D.weight
49.A.barrier B.force C.determination D.process
50.A.ability B.decision C.strength D.position
51.A.thrills B.challenges C.excitements D.worries
52.A.in case B.as if C.so that D.only if
53.A.answer B.solution C.attitude D.approach
54.A.increase B.explain C.expand D.express
55.A.take in B.work out C.give up D.show off
56.A.secretly B.bravely C.purposely D.positively
57.A.fewer B.more C.worse D.easier
58.A.build B.offer C.apply D.put
59.A.establish B.achieve C.imagine D.miss
60.A.results fro B.lies in C.contributes to D.makes up
41-45CDBDA  46-50ABBCA  51-55DCDCA  56-60DBABC
41.C考查语境辨析.A.concentrate集中;B.put 放;C.blame责备;D.pass通过;句意:你能因为缺少时间而谴责自己,但你错过许多阅读的好处.根据语境可知,故选C.
42.D考查名词辨析.A.aims 目标;B.motivations 动机;C.traditions 传统;D.benefits好处;句意:你能因为缺少时间而谴责自己,但你错过许多阅读的好处.故选D.
43.B考查动词辨析.A.present呈现;B.improve提高;C.assess 评估;D.prove证明;句意:阅读能改善一个人的生活无论是精神上还是心理上.根据语境可知,故选B.
45.A考查形容词辨析.A.abundant 丰富的;B.limited 有限的;C.private私人的;D.absurd荒谬的;句意:你也能获得丰富的信息来丰富你的知识,根据语境可知,故选A.
47.B考查形容词辨析.A.usual寻常的;B.regular有规律的;'C.common 普通的;D.normal正常的;句意:象身体锻炼能让你身材苗条,有规律的阅读确保你的阅读肌肉保持好的状态.根据语境可知,故选B.
48.B考查名词辨析.A.size尺寸;B.shape 形状;C.height 高度;D.weight重量;句意:象身体锻炼能让你身材苗条,有规律的阅读确保你的阅读肌肉保持好的状态,in good shape译为好的状态,故选B.
49.C考查名词辨析.A.barrier屏障;B.force 力量;C.determination 决心;D.process过程;句意:继续阅读,你所需要的是让阅读成为生活的决心.根据语境可知,故选C.
51.D考查名词辨析.空格处语意为:专心读书可以解决你的困惑和担心.A.thrills 激动;B.challenges挑战;C.excitements 兴奋;D.worries担心;故选D.
52.C考查连词辨析.A.in case以防;B.as if 好象;C.so that因此;D.only if只有;句意:当思想开始得到锻炼时,它会集中精力到你所做的事情上因此你就会忘记不愉快的事情,故选C.
53.D考查细节理解.A.answer答案;B.solution解决;C.attitude态度;D.approach靠近,方法;句意:第三,没有比阅读更好的方法来获得信息,the approach to doing译为…的方法,故选D.
55.A考查动词短语辨析.A.take in 欺骗,获得;B.work out 解决;C.give up 放弃;D.show off炫耀;句意:你能获得别人得不到的知识,这能积极地改变你的生活,故选A.
56.D考查语境辨析.A.secretly秘密地;B.bravely 勇敢地;C.purposely有目的地;D.positively积极地;句意:你能获得别人得不到的知识,这能积极地改变你的生活,故选D.
59.B考查动词辨析.A.establish建立;B.achieve实现;C.imagine想象;D.miss错过;句意:总之,阅读能帮你建立将来的基础,这允许你实现你制定的目标,achieve one's goal译为实现某人的目标.故选B.
60.C考查语境辨析.空格处语意为:阅读有助于你将来的成功.A.results from导致;B.lies in 在于; C.contributes to 有助于;D.makes up编造.故选C.