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How is everything going?
Now I am writing to tell you something about my health.I like
eating meat very much.Now I am becoming fatter and fatter.I
can't do things quickly,and Ioften feel tired.I'm worried about my health.What should I do?Please write to me soon.
I'm glad to hear from you.I'm fine.
I'm sorry to hear that you have the health problem because of bad eating habbit.And I have several advice for you.
First,balance your dining menu.Eat some vegetables and fruits besides meat,and do remember to take proper amount of each,or you will have other problems.
Second,doing exercise everyday is essenssial to good figure and health.You can choose the exercise you like and start from a making a exercise plan,which will prevent you hurting yourself by doing to much at the very beginning.
If you find yourself losing some weight after doing what i have told you,do remember not to maitain that condition or you will soon find your weight is coming back.
Good luck to you and looking forward to see your good news!
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