早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
We performed an angle dispersive radial
x-ray diffraction experiment (fig. S2) at the
High-Pressure Collaborative Access Team(HPCAT) sector of the Advanced Photon Source
(beamline 16-ID-B). Starting material was a
powder of pure MgGeO3 orthopyroxene mixed
with 10 weight percent Pt powder that served
as pressure calibrant and laser absorber. It
was compressed to a pressure of 104 GPa and
then converted into the pPv phase by laser
heating in different locations at a temperature
of 1600 K for about 10 min. Pressure was then
increased to 124 GPa over 5 hours. At this
stage, the sample was left for 15 hours to
allow relaxation of stresses and strains. Later,
the sample was further heated for about 20
min at 1600 K and left for 18 hours to allow
relaxation. At the end of this cycle, pressure in
the sample was on the order of 130 GPa (table
S1). At every step, we collected radial diffraction
patterns to evaluate the pressure, stress,
and LPO in the sample (24)
We performed an angle dispersive radial
x-ray diffraction experiment (fig. S2) at the
High-Pressure Collaborative Access Team(HPCAT) sector of the Advanced Photon Source
(beamline 16-ID-B). Starting material was a
powder of pure MgGeO3 orthopyroxene mixed
with 10 weight percent Pt powder that served
as pressure calibrant and laser absorber. It
was compressed to a pressure of 104 GPa and
then converted into the pPv phase by laser
heating in different locations at a temperature
of 1600 K for about 10 min. Pressure was then
increased to 124 GPa over 5 hours. At this
stage, the sample was left for 15 hours to
allow relaxation of stresses and strains. Later,
the sample was further heated for about 20
min at 1600 K and left for 18 hours to allow
relaxation. At the end of this cycle, pressure in
the sample was on the order of 130 GPa (table
S1). At every step, we collected radial diffraction
patterns to evaluate the pressure, stress,
and LPO in the sample (24)
(beamline 16-ID-B).起始物料是一个
粉末的纯MgGeO3 orthopyroxene混合
10 Pt粉服务质量百分数
1600 K的约
(beamline 16-ID-B).起始物料是一个
粉末的纯MgGeO3 orthopyroxene混合
10 Pt粉服务质量百分数
1600 K的约
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