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Shakespeare is the greatest English actor and playwright ( 剧作家 ) of all times. He was born ( 出生 ) on April 26th 1564 in England and died on April 23rd 1616.

Shakespear e went to the Stratford Grammar School at the age of seven. He learnt English and Latin there. He also worked to help his father in the shop. At the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway. They had two daughters and a son but their son died early.

Shakespeare played in London theaters before joining a group of actors called The Lord Chamberl ain s Men in 1594. Later they became wealthy and had enough money to build ( 建造 ) their theater in the south of London. They called it The Globe.

Shakespeare wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets ( 十四行诗 ). Hundreds of sayings and proverbs ( 谚语 ) that we use every day are from Shakespeare s works such as To be or not to be that s the question and All s well that ends well.

(     )1. When did Shakespeare die?

A. On April 26th 1564.                     B. On April 23rd 1564. 

C. On April 23rd 1616.                    D. On April 26th 1616.

(     )2. What does the underlined word “wealthy” mean in Chinese?

A. 有的            B. 悲哀的            C. 危险的              D. 不幸的

(     )3. What is “The Globe”? X kB1.cOM

A. A city.             B. A sonnet.         C. A theater.           D. A play.

(     )4. The last paragraph is mainly about _______.

A. how Shakespeare wrote works        B. what we can learn from Shakespeare

C. Shakespeare’s prizes                       D. Shakespeare’s works and their influence

(     )5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Shakespeare knew about Latin.

B. Shakespeare got married in 1582.

C. Shakespeare had three children at first.  

D. Shakespeare played in “The Globe” in 1594.


1C  2A  3C  4D  5D

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