早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
This is a part of a letter you receive from an English penfriend.
I’ve just got a new videos.What’s the best video you have seen recently?Do you think I’d like it?
Now write a letter ,answering your penfriend’s question.Write you answer in about 100 words.
This is a part of a letter you receive from an English penfriend.
I’ve just got a new videos.What’s the best video you have seen recently?Do you think I’d like it?
Now write a letter ,answering your penfriend’s question.Write you answer in about 100 words.
Dear,xxx(填你朋友的名字)How are you?The best video I've seen lately is 'Tangled'.I bet you'll really love it!It's actually the twisted tale of 'Rapunzel'.It started with a old witch who found this ma...
看了 谁能帮我写一篇英语作文?Th...的网友还看了以下:
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