早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


What do you think will be the problem causing Third World War in the future?
Which kind of technology do you expect the most that people might invent in the future?
When do you think we will run out of fuels in the future?
Do you think the future of the earth is hopeful or hopeless?
Do you expect that everything will be replaced by technology even school and teachers in the future?
Do you think the world will have a larger population or smaller population in the future?
Do you consider animal extinction as a serious problem for the future?
Do you think the percentage of poverty will increase or decrease in the future?
Do you think our life expectancy will be longer or shorter in the future?
What do you think is future?
Do you think anybody will go to school in the future?
看了 英语提问,主题是future...的网友还看了以下:

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事务的一致性是指()。A.事务中包括的所有操作要么都做,要么都不做B.事务一旦提交,对数据库的改变  2020-05-24 …

事务的原子性是指()。A.事务中包括的所有操作要么都做,要么都不做B.事务一旦提交,对数据库的改变  2020-05-24 …

事务的原子性是指A.事务中包括的所有操作要么都做,要么都不做B.事务一旦提交,对数据库的改变是永  2020-05-24 …

对于在水平面内作匀速圆周运动的圆锥摆的摆球,下列说法中正确的是()A.重力做功,摆线对球的拉力不做  2020-07-31 …

对于在水平面内作匀速圆周运动的圆锥摆的摆球,下列说法中正确的是()A.重力做功,摆线对球的拉力不做  2020-07-31 …

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在“人生价值”的大讨论中,观点一:“我们生来就是做大事的材料,像扫地、抬水这样的小事不值得做。”观点  2020-11-21 …