The Pentagon(五角大楼) headquarters of the Department of Defense in US is one of the world's largest office buildings. It is twice the size of the Merchandise Mart in Chicago and has three times the floor space of the Empire State Building in New York. There are very few people throughout the United States who do not have some knowledge of the Pentagon. Many have followed news stories coming from this building. However relatively few people have had the chance to visit it.
The Pentagon is in fact a city in itself. About 23 000 employees both soldiers and other people contribute to the planning of the defense of the country. These people arrive daily from Washington D.C. and around over about 30 miles of highways including express bus lanes(快车道) and one of the newest subway system in the country. They ride past 200 acres of grass land to park about 8 770 cars in 16 parking lots; climb 131 stairways or take 19 lifts to reach offices that occupy 3 705 square feet. While in the building they tell time by 4 200 clocks drink from 691 water taps make use of 284 rest rooms use up 4 500 cups of coffee 1 700 pints of milk and 6 800 soft drinks prepared or served by a restaurant of 230 persons and distributed(分散于) in 1 dining room 2 cafeterias a snack bars and an outdoor snack bar.
The building itself is an extraordinary structure. Built during the early years of World War II it is still thought of as one of the most efficient buildings in the world. In spite of 17.5 miles of corridors(走廊) it takes only seven minutes to walk between any two points in the building.
60. Which of the following statements about the Pentagon is true?
A. Most Americans know about it.
B. It is now open to the public.
C. Around 23 000 workers contribute to its planning.
D. It is one of the world's tallest buildings.
61. Which of the following statements about the transportation of the Pentagon is NOT true?
A. It is easy to reach by subway. B. People can drive directly to it.
C. People can go there by bus. D. The parking lots cover 200 acres of land.
62. Why did the author write so many numbers in the second paragraph?
A. To show that he knew quite a lot about the Pentagon.
B. To show the vast size of the Pentagon.
C. To show it costs a lot of money to keep the Pentagon going.
D. To show that the Pentagon is a convenient place.
63. What do you know about the structure of the Pentagon?
A. All the offices are connected by the newest subway system.
B. The longest distance between two offices is 17.5 miles.
C. It takes no more than 7 minutes to walk from one place to another.
D. There are neither rest rooms nor snack bars in it.
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