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Dalian is China's well-known summer resort and a popular tourist destination city,mountains and pleasant weather,beautiful environment,suitable for living,without the summer heat and winter cold without an annual average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius,about 700 millimeters of annual rainfall,frost-free period 6 months.Dalian is China's first "outstanding tourist city",not only in modern China has rich tourism resources in the humanities and history,there are also many scenic natural tourism resources.The southern coastal area,Lushunkou scenic areas,scenic areas and scenic Places of interest are the four major scenic areas of Dalian.The annual Dalian International Fashion Festival,Spring Festival will be fireworks,tours huai,the International Marathon and other major events 最好不要用什么翻译器
Dalian is China's well-known summer resort and a popular tourist destination city,mountains and pleasant weather,beautiful environment,suitable for living,without the summer heat and winter cold without an annual average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius,about 700 millimeters of annual rainfall,frost-free period 6 months.Dalian is China's first "outstanding tourist city",not only in modern China has rich tourism resources in the humanities and history,there are also many scenic natural tourism resources.The southern coastal area,Lushunkou scenic areas,scenic areas and scenic Places of interest are the four major scenic areas of Dalian.The annual Dalian International Fashion Festival,Spring Festival will be fireworks,tours huai,the International Marathon and other major events 最好不要用什么翻译器
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