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     Mr. Jones was very angry with his wife (妻子) and his wife was very angry with him. For a few years,
they didn't' t speak to each other (彼此). One evening Mr. Jones was very tired (累的) when he came back
from work, so he went to bed soon. Mrs. Jones went up to the bed much later than her husband (丈夫).
She found a piece of paper on a small table near her bed. On it were the words:
     "Mother, wake me up at 7 a. m. (上午)-Father."
     When Mr. Jones woke up (醒来) the next morning, it was nearly 8 a.m. and on the small table near his
bed he saw another piece of paper. He read the words,"Father, wake up. It is 7 a.m. -Mother."
1. Mr. Jones was _____ with his wife.

A. pleased
B. sorry
C. angry
D. happy

2. One evening Mr. Jones was tired and _____.
A. went to bed after supper
B. do some sport
C. watched TV
D. spoke to his wife
3. Mrs. Jones went to bed ______ than her husband.
A. earlier
B. better
C. a little later
D. much later 
4. The next morning Mr. Jones _____.
A. went to work on time
B. was late for work
C. spoke to his wife
D. woke up at 7 o'clock
5. Which of the following is right?
A. Mr. Jones and his wife often talked a lot.
B. Mr. Jones liked his wife very much.
C. Before Mr. Jones went to bed, he said to his wife, "Please wake me up at 7 tomorrow morning."
D. Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones didn't

1-5 C A D B C
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