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Times Are Getting Hard,boys 英文歌词绝命毒师s05e14 心碎的歌儿 求大神原文歌词

Times Are Getting Hard,boys 英文歌词
绝命毒师s05e14 心碎的歌儿 求大神原文歌词
Times are getting hard,boys
Money's getting scarce
If things don't get much better boys
Gonna leave this place
Took my baby by the hand
Wandered through the town
The way she looked in jewellery stores
Well,it made me feel low down
Times are getting hard,boys
Money's getting scarce
If times don't get much better boys
Well,I'm gonna leave this place
I promised I would buy you
Well,a big lovely old diamond ring
But the way things is turnin' out right now
Well,I,I can't afford a thing
'Cause times is getting hard,boys
Money's getting scarce
If times don't get much better boys
Gonna leave this place
I'd give you the Moon,dear
And the twinkling stars above
But all that I can offer you
Is my undying love
Times are getting hard,boys
Money's getting scarce
If things don't get much better boys
Gonna leave this place
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