早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


提示词:fine day,sun,bright,visit,Beijing Zoo,animal,so interesting,love,see,visitor,throw……to,stop,say,friends,look after
(1)钟表店Watch Shop (2)儿童用品商店Children's stores
Now ,many people are very busy with works,so they choose the Internet to do some interesting things ! it's very easy to get on-line ,many people like send e-mail,they think it's convinient,also ,it's popular!I think Internet have become one of important part of people's life .But in the other hands ,many people can't control themselves ,they play games all day.It's bad for their healthy .so we should keep balance and control ourselves!

It was a fine day and the sun is bright.My classmate ZhangHong and I make a visit Beijing Zoo.The animals there were so interesting that everyone loved them when seeing them.At the moment I saw that a visitor was throwing food to the monkeys.I came up to stop him and said:"Animals are our friends.We should look after them in right ways."
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