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(b) Identify and explain THREE approaches that the directors of Moffat Ltd might apply in assessing theQUALITATIVE benefits of the proposed investmen
2 (a) Explain the term ‘backflush accounting’ and the circumstances in which its use would be appropriate.(6 marks)
(d) Explain the term ‘environmental management accounting’ and the benefits that may accrue to organisationswhich adopt it. (4 marks)
(c) Define ‘retirement by rotation’ and explain its importance in the context of Rosh and Company.(5 marks)
(b) Explain the roles of a nominations committee and assess the potential usefulness of a nominations committeeto the board of Rosh and Company. (8 m
(c) Explain how absolutist (dogmatic) and relativist (pragmatic) ethical assumptions would affect the outcomeof Anne’s decision. (6 marks)
(ii) Explain the ethical tensions between these roles that Anne is now experiencing. (4 marks)
(c) Define ‘market risk’ for Mr Allejandra and explain why Gluck and Goodman’s market risk exposure isincreased by failing to have an effective audit
(ii) Explain the organisational factors that determine the need for internal audit in public listed companies.(5 marks)
(ii) Explain why the disclosure of voluntary information in annual reports can enhance the company’saccountability to equity investors. (4 marks)