早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.He can come now.Q:Q:When N:2.There is a newspaper on the desk.Q:Q:What N:3.He wants a new car.Q:Q:What N:4.He is going to come now.Q:Q:When N:5.They like ice cream.Q:Q:What N:6.He comes from Germany.Q:Q:Where N:7.They must go home now.Q:Q:When N:8.He feels ill.Q:Q:How N:9.He has a headache.Q:Q:What N:10.He cleaned his shoes.Q:Q:When N:
1.He can come now.Q:Q:When N:2.There is a newspaper on the desk.Q:Q:What N:3.He wants a new car.Q:Q:What N:4.He is going to come now.Q:Q:When N:5.They like ice cream.Q:Q:What N:6.He comes from Germany.Q:Q:Where N:7.They must go home now.Q:Q:When N:8.He feels ill.Q:Q:How N:9.He has a headache.Q:Q:What N:10.He cleaned his shoes.Q:Q:When N:
1.He can come now.Q:Can he come now?Q:When can he come?N:He can not come now.2.There is a newspaper on the desk.Q:Is there a newspaper on the desk?Q:What is there on the desk?N:There is not a newspaper on the desk.3.He wants a new car.Q:Does he want a new car?Q:What does he want?N:He does not want a new car.4.He is going to come now.Q:Is he going to come now?Q:When is he going to come?N:He is not going to come now.5.They like ice cream.Q:Do they like ice cream?Q:What do they like?N:They do not like ice cream.6.He comes from Germany.Q:Does he come from Germany?Q:Where does he come from?N:He does not come from Germany.7.They must go home now.Q:Do they must go home now?Q:When must they go home?N:They must not go home.8.He feels ill.Q:Does he feel ill?Q:How does he feel?N:He does not feel ill.9.He has a headache.Q:Does he have a headche?Q:What does he have?N:He has not a headache.10.He cleaned his shoes.Q:Did he clean his shoes?Q:When did he clean his shoes?N:He did not clean his shoes.
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