早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.With time _____(go) by,all of you have grown into big boys and girls.
2.I remember _____(pay) for the job,but I forget the exact amount.
3.Soon they found themselves used to _____(live) in the countryside.
4.—I regret _______( not tell ) Alice about my new address and telephone number.
— That's too bad.You should have told her when you met her.
5.Upon ____(step) out of the car,the superstar was surrounded by dozens of reporters.
6.When first _______ (introduce) to the market ,these products enjoyed great success.
7.Linda,make sure the tables ______ (set) before the guests arrive.
8.He sent me an E-mail,_____ (hope) to get further information about the current situation.
9.The naughty boy narrowly missed _________(knock) over by a car yesterday.
10.In this way we hope to keep ourselves ________(inform) of what is going on around the world.

going    【介词后面跟名词或动名词】

paying  【记得做过某事,remember doing sth.】

living    【这里面含有be used to doing,所以用living】

not telling  【遗憾做过(或不做)某事,也用动名词】

stepping  【前面有介词upon】

introuced 【产品被引入市场,所以用过去分词,表示被动】

are set    【作宾语从句的谓语动词】

hoping   【动词ing形式表示伴随】

being knocked  【动词miss 后跟 动名词作宾语,而这里要用被动形式】

informed   【这个搭配是keep sb. informed of】


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