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高分求一段中译英 请帮帮忙 别用翻译软件 谢谢
杜预,西晋著名政治家、军事家、学者.在西晋王朝建国时期是一名不可忽视的重要人物.杜预博学多才,在其为官期间,在政治、律法、军事、农田水利及经学研究方面都有突出的作为.西晋建立之初,杜预先后参与了伐蜀和《晋律》的修订,之后,杜预多次被晋武帝启用出镇边关,在任期间杜预提出了五十多项安边兴国的建议,均为朝廷采纳,并积极进行科学发明,修订出通行于世的历法.公元278年杜预继任羊祜为镇南大将军都督荆州事,期间兴修水利,奇袭西陵,三陈平吴.在最后的灭吴战争中担任西线指挥,智取江陵,招降交、广,为西晋的统一作出了卓越的贡献. 在经学研究方面也很有建树,著有《春秋左氏经传集解》及《春秋释例》等.当时的人曾给他起个“杜武库”的绰号,称赞他博学多通,就象像武器库一样,无所不有.杜预在为官期间的作为对西晋王朝的建立和发展都起到了重要的作用,其影响是深远的.
duyu,Western Jin Dynasty famous statesman,military strategist and scholar.In the founding of the Western Jin Dynasty,a period of time an important figure can not be ignored.duyu learned,in his official period,in the political,law,military,construction of water and the study as there are outstanding.Western Jin Dynasty to establish the beginning ofduyu Shu has been involved in cutting and "Jin-law" of the amendment,after the Jin Emperor duyu repeatedly opening the border town,during his term in office 50 duyu made a number of recommendations Xingguo Anbian are adopted by the imperial court,and actively carry out scientific invention,the movement to amend the calendar to the world.278 AD duyu successor in the generalfor the captaincy general Jingzhou Town,and during the irrigation,Xiling surprise,three Ping Wu.war in the final as the West line of command,to circumvent dependencies Jianglingpay,Canton,for the unity of the Western Jin Dynasty made an outstanding contribution.In the study is also done,with the "Spring and Autumn Period Collected Annotationsby mass" and "address the cases of the Spring and Autumn" and so on.At that time,people gave him a "Du-wu library" nickname,learned that he pass,as the same as the arsenal,anything there.duyu in the official during the Western Jin Dynasty as the establishment and development have played an important role,its influence is far-reaching.
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