早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.The neighbors complain that my dog barks too much however they never complain about her digging holes in their garden.
2.When the helicopter crashed the gas tank broke loose and exploded.
3.I won’t buy the Blazer tickets.Until I hear from you.
4.The books on the shelf belong to Marys father,they are not hers.
5.When he was broadcasting from Darfur,Anderson Cooper stood in front of a refugee camp wearing a Ralph Lauren polo shirt.
6.Many people have the same three great fears:being in high places,working with numbers,and speeches.
7.The television advertisement claims that each of the Obama commemorative plates are worth fifty dollars but will certainly be worth much more in twenty years.
8.The teacher reminded us that even though comma problems are common to everyone,we must avoid it.
9.Neither of the potential buyers had really made up their minds.
10.During the initial orientation,the Technical Support Advisor explained how to install the software.Also how to organize and save files.
1.The neighbors complain that my dog barks too much.However,they never complain about their digging holes in their garden.
2.When the helicopter crashed,the gas tank broke loose and exploded.
3.I won’t buy the Blazer tickets until I hear from you.
4.The books on the shelf belong to Mary's father.They are not hers.
5.While he was broadcasting from Darfur,Anderson Cooper stood in front of a refugee camp wearing a Ralph Lauren polo shirt.
6.Many people have the same three great fears:being in high places,working with numbers,and making speeches.
7.The television advertisement claims that each of the Obama commemorative plates are worth fifty dollars and will certainly be worth much more in twenty years/in twenty years' time.
8.The teacher reminded us that even though comma problems are common to everyone,we mustn't avoid them.
9.Neither of the potential buyers had really made up his mind.
10.During the initial orientation,the Technical Support Advisor explained how to install the software as well as how to organize and save files.
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