早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A little girl
When I was still little,I used to be really naughty.Being as a girl,this really bothers my parents a lot for they always traditionally consider a girl as being quiet and well-desciplined.I remember being told by them patiently for more than hundreds of times to be more careful with everything and to behave like a good kid.Even so,every time when I am not with them,I end up either breaking the vases or making everything in a terrible mess which frustrated my parents over the time.They've got no way of stopping me from crazily making chaos.Now that I have grown up and no longer behave rudely like that.However,I have never forgot how I was in the childhood.Although many of the memories back to the childhood is laughable,they taught me how to be and do.
When I was still little,I used to be really naughty.Being as a girl,this really bothers my parents a lot for they always traditionally consider a girl as being quiet and well-desciplined.I remember being told by them patiently for more than hundreds of times to be more careful with everything and to behave like a good kid.Even so,every time when I am not with them,I end up either breaking the vases or making everything in a terrible mess which frustrated my parents over the time.They've got no way of stopping me from crazily making chaos.Now that I have grown up and no longer behave rudely like that.However,I have never forgot how I was in the childhood.Although many of the memories back to the childhood is laughable,they taught me how to be and do.
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