早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


一些英语题目:1.选择合适的词填入短文中.(填入合适的,不是全部都要的) ① Try one’s best
②get on well with ③lose one’s way ④be thankful to ⑤ walk up to ⑥recommend ⑦polite ⑧ go to school ⑨live far away from She __1___ to help her classmates doing many things.She can _2___ all her friends.They help each other and learn from each other. One day some vistors form the USA __3__.They were very unhappy. Amy is a brave girl,so she ___4_ them and told them that she could help them
find the way.The foreign vistors __5__ her for her help.
M:.S_1__ we go out to do some sports.
P”Oh no,It’s too cold o__2__ .I don’t want to go out. I don’t like the cold w__3__.
M :Do you like to play tennis.
P:Sorry I can’t
M:What about r___4__.
P:I think it’s boring.
M: What’s you favourite sport?
She __tries her best___ to help her classmates doing many things.She can _2 get on well with___ all her friends.They help each other and learn from each other.One day some vistors form the USA __3 lost their way__.They were very unhappy.Amy is a brave girl,so she ___4 walked up to_ them and told them that she could help them