早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Based in Geneva,Switzerland,the WTO obtains its authority from member nations,which look to the organization as a vehicle to expand world trade.Like the United Nations,the WTO is essentially a club of nations,created and empowered by its members and relying on them to comply with its rules and rulings.
2.The WTO’s powers are most frequently exercised when it serves as a court to resolve trade disputes among nations.these judicial powers may have dramatic consequences:WTO decisions can declare the laws and regulations of sovereign nations illegal because the violate global trade rules.
3.The trade rules administered by the WTO are established after lengthy and often tense negotiations involving many nations.Among the rules member nations have agreed to follow is that they will not place quotas on imported goods or give domestically produced goods preference over foreign good.The WTO permits a handful of exceptions to these rules.
1 Successful planning of marketing strategies requires information---information about potential target market and their likely responses to marketing mixes as well as about competition and other uncontrollable variable.Information is also needed for implementation and control.Without good marketing information,managers have to use intuition or guess—and in a fast –changing and competitive economy,this invites failure.
2 On the other hand,manager seldom have all the information they need to make the best decision.Both customers and competitors can be unpredictable.Gtting more information may cost too much or take too long.So managers often must decide if they need more information and—if so—how to get it.
1. Based in Geneva,Switzerland,the WTO obtains its authority from member nations,which look to the organization as a vehicle to expand world trade.Like the United Nations,the WTO is essentially a club of nations,created and empowered by its members and relying on them to comply with its rules and rulings.
2. The WTO’s powers are most frequently exercised when it serves as a court to resolve trade disputes among nations.these judicial powers may have dramatic consequences:WTO decisions can declare the laws and regulations of sovereign nations illegal because the violate global trade rules.
3. The trade rules administered by the WTO are established after lengthy and often tense negotiations involving many nations.Among the rules member nations have agreed to follow is that they will not place quotas on imported goods or give domestically produced goods preference over foreign good. The WTO permits a handful of exceptions to these rules.
1 Successful planning of marketing strategies requires information---information about potential target market and their likely responses to marketing mixes as well as about competition and other uncontrollable variable. Information is also needed for implementation and control. Without good marketing information,managers have to use intuition or guess—and in a fast –changing and competitive economy,this invites failure.
2 On the other hand,manager seldom have all the information they need to make the best decision. Both customers and competitors can be unpredictable.Gtting more information may cost too much or take too long.So managers often must decide if they need more information and—if so—how to get it.
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