早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Seeing me,Tom,one of my old friend,walked across the street( )to me,saying,"Long time no see,Billy!"
a.holding out b.reaching out
2.my money( ).I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I have none in hand.
a.has run out b.is running out
3.Oh,it is so cold here.somebody( )the window.
a.closes b.close.c.shall close d.will close
4.Jack and David are brothers.
oh,I( )why they looked so alike .
a.was wondering b.have wondered
5.the actor threw himself from the horse,as if( )
a.to be shot b.being shot c.shooting d.shot

1 要说hold out hands
b 马上用光了,因为后面说要在手里没钱之前取钱,所以不能使A已经用光
c shall 2 3人称表示命令
A was wondering引文现在你已经知道他们是兄弟了,所以怀疑是以前
D as if的省略用法 省掉主语(the actor)和be动词 我也怀疑是不是B,但是又不应该是正被打中,还是选D吧