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The social contract is only a particular instance of the more general phenomenon
known as translation.By “translation” we mean the set of negotiations,intrigues,
acts of persuasion,calculations,acts of violence by which an actor or a force
accords or allows itself to be accorded the authority to speak or to act in the name
of another actor or force:“your interests are our interests,” “do what I want,” “you
cannot succeed without me.” As soon as an actor says “we,” he or she translates
other actors into a single aspiration [volonté] of which she or he becomes the
master or spokesperson.(our translation from the French version of Callon and
Latour 1981/2006:12-13)
关于社会翻译学一本书中的一小段文字.讲述social contract的.
社会契约只是我们更常见的现象——被称为翻译的一个特殊实例.通过“翻译”,我们表达的是一系列协商、密谋、说服行为 、计算、暴力行为.通过这些行为,行动者或某种力量符合或者允许自己符合这样一种权威,这种权威让他可以以另外的行动者或另外一种力量的名义来说话或者行动:“你的利益就是我们的利益”“做我想做的”“没我你成功不了”一个行动者一说“我们”,他或她把其他行动者翻译成一个声音,在这个声音里,他或她变成了主人或代言人(从法文版Callon and Latour 1981/2006:12-13翻译而来)