早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



If you see any litter (垃圾) on the school playground you’d better         .

A. put it up                 B. pick it up                 C. turn if off          D. put it on

If you see any litter (垃圾) on the school playground you’d better         .

A. put it up                 B. pick it up                 C. turn if off          D. put it on

If you see any litter (垃圾) on the school playground you’d better         .

If you see any litter (垃圾) on the school playground you’d better         . (垃圾) on the school playground you’d better         . on the school playground you’d better         .        

A. put it up                 B. pick it up                 C. turn if off          D. put it on

A. put it up                 B. pick it up                 C. turn if off          D. put it on


B  由前半句 “ 如果你看到学校操场上有垃圾 ” 可知后半句为 “ 你最好把它捡起来 ” 。 pick up “
拾起,捡起 ” ,符合句意。

B  由前半句 “ 如果你看到学校操场上有垃圾 ” 可知后半句为 “ 你最好把它捡起来 ” 。 pick up “
拾起,捡起 ” ,符合句意。

B  由前半句 “ 如果你看到学校操场上有垃圾 ” 可知后半句为 “ 你最好把它捡起来 ” 。 pick up “
拾起,捡起 ” ,符合句意。

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Ifyouseeanylitter(垃圾)ontheschoolplaygroundyou’dbe  2020-04-09 …

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某小区为了促进生活垃圾的分类处理,将生活垃圾分为:可回垃圾、厨余垃圾、其他垃圾三类,分别记为A,B  2020-06-22 …

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