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    Friends play an important role in our life. Most people hope that their friends will always be there. They 1 friendship to last forever.2  even the best friendship can end.

    As time goes by many friendships end because of a(n) 3 in personality or way of life. The friendship slowly loses importance and finally 4  .blob.png

   Tommy wrote u I didn't even know the friendship was over until I caught myself thinking of Alan as a former friend."

   Peter explained “ We 5  seeing each other less and less.The friendship was just over."

Sometimes friendships 6 suddenly from a disagreement or move to another place.

   Alice said “ The end of our friendship was a gradual thing. I moved from one side of the city to the other. Since then we 7 made a phone call. We met less and less. At last our friendship ended."

   Jack said “ When I moved to Seattle after college our friendship died.Both of us were always 8 with new jobs so we didn't keep 9 touch with each other. Our friendship was so dead that I didn't call him 10 I went home."

   Yet the biggest problem to a friendship is change. Lillian Rubin in her book Just Friends says u Generally it's 11 that friends will accept each other if they both remain what they were when they met or change in similar directions. If they change or grow in different ways the friendship most likely 12 lost.

   No matter why when or how friendships end there is always 13 pain of loss. When nothing can be 14 to keep the friendship it is important to forget the pain. Then move on 15 new friendships.

   May new friendships bring you pleasure and happiness!

1. A. hope       B. expect      C. decide     D. prefer

2. A. Unfortunately  B. Luckily    C. Then      D. So

3. A. interest   B. experience   C. change   D. suggestion

4. A. forgets     B. disappears   C. appears    D. improves

5. A. finished   B. practiced     C. continued   D. started

6. A. break down  B. break away     C. break off   D. break in

7. A. often      B. seldom       C. always     D. never

8. A. struggling   B. satisfying   C. pleased    D. fed

9. A. at        B. by          C. on       D. in

10. A. even if   B. while        C. before    D. since

11 .A. strange   B. true        C. false      D. impossible

12. A. will be   B. is          C. will      D. to be

13. A. little     B. some         C. any       D. no

14. A. thought   B. checked      C. carried     D. done

15. A. to ask for   B. forming   C. to build   D. beginning

1. B 句意:他们期待友谊地久天长。hope希望;expeCt期 待;decide决定;prefer.较喜欢。根据上下文可知应选B.

2. A 句意:不幸的是,即使是_最好的友谊也会结束。unfortunately不幸的是;luckily幸运的是;then然后;so因此。 根据上文“他们期待友谊地久天长”和下文“即使是最好的友 谊也会结束”可知上下句之间是转折关系,故应选A.

3. C句意:随着时间的流逝,许多友谊因为个性或生活方式的 变化而结束。本题考查名词辨析。

interest兴趣;experience 经历;change变化;suggestion建议。根据句意选C

4. B句意:友谊慢慢失去重要性并最终消失。本题考查动词 辨析。

forget 忘记;disappear 消失;appear 出现;improve 提高。 根据句意选B.

5. D句意:Peter解释说:“我们开始见面越来越少,友谊就结 束了。”本题考查动词辨析。

finish完成;practice练习; continue继续;start幵始。根据句意选D.

6. C句意:有时候友谊因为意见分歧或搬到另一个地方而突 然中断。本题考查break词组辨析。

break down出故障,坏 掉;break away突然离开;break off中断;break in闯入。根据 句意选C.

7. B句意:从那时起们很少打电话。我们见面越来越少, 最后我们的友谊结束了。本题考查频度副词。

often经常; seldom很少;always总是;never从不。根据句意选B.

8. A句意:我们两个都总是在新的工作中努力奋斗,所以我们 没有互相保持联系。本题考查动词用法。

struggle奋斗,努 力;satisfy满足;please使高兴;feed喂养。根据句意应选A.

9. D本题考查固定词组keep in touch保持联络。故选D.

10. A句意;我们的友谊如此死气沉沉以至于即使我回家也没


even if即使;while在

期间;before在 之前;since自从 以来。根据句意应


11. B句意:一般来说这是真的:如果两个朋友都保持原来见 面时的性情或向相似的方向改变,那么他们将接受彼此。本 题考查形容词辨析。

strange奇怪的;true真的;false虚伪的; impossible不可能的。根据句意应选B.

12. A句意:如果他们向不同的方向改变或成长,那么最有可 能友谊将会失去。本题考查主从复合句“主将从现”:条件 状语从句用一般现在时表将来,主句通常用将来时。故 选A0

13. B句意:不管为什么、什么时候或怎样失去友谊,总有些失 去的痛苦。根据句意应选B.

14. D句意:当无论做什么都无法保持友谊时,忘记(失去友谊 的) 痛苦是重要的。本题考查动词。think认为;check检查; carry携带;do做。根据句意应选D.

15. C句意:然后接着建立新的友谊。本题考查固定搭配。build friendships 建立友谊。故选 C.