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mike和好友去公园放风筝,划船,在树下野餐•••••以last weekend为题
mike和好友去公园放风筝,划船,在树下野餐•••••以last weekend为题
Last weekend
Mike and his friends went to the park last weekend.
It was a nice day,so they walked to the park.
They flew a kite in the morning and then had a picnic under a cherry big tree.
Mike made his own lunch and shared his food with his friends.
After the lunch break,they hired some bikes and cycled along the river.
There were lots of ducks in the river.
Mike fed them with some bread.
Then they hired a boat and had a nice trip along the river.
They all had a good time and left the park at 5pm.
It was a loverly weekend.
Mike and his friends went to the park last weekend.
It was a nice day,so they walked to the park.
They flew a kite in the morning and then had a picnic under a cherry big tree.
Mike made his own lunch and shared his food with his friends.
After the lunch break,they hired some bikes and cycled along the river.
There were lots of ducks in the river.
Mike fed them with some bread.
Then they hired a boat and had a nice trip along the river.
They all had a good time and left the park at 5pm.
It was a loverly weekend.
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