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Many people can't imagine life without their cell phone. But now the World Health Organization is suggesting there might be a link between cell phone use and cancer. And that's causing millions of cell phone users to consider dialing back on usage. 最后这句不知道什么意思 consider dialing back on usage?
试着解释一下本段:Many people can't imagine life without their cell phone.But now the World Health Organization is suggesting there might be a link between cell phone use and cancer.And that's causing millions of cell phone users to consider dialing back on usage.
dial back就是“回拨回去”,即不接听电话,然后回拨给对方,但是这里应该是使用座机回拨.
on usage(使用/应用)
其它避免罹患手机辐射伤害的方面见文章结尾处::Stieg says in the absence of definitive evidence linking cell phones to brain tumors - he suggests people continue to use their cell phones as they are.But some consumers offered ideas on how to limit exposure to radio frequency waves...which includes talking a bit less.
Michelle Siegel said "We could still get by with texting rather than phone calls and just use house phones for phone calls."
George Serrano,Cell phone user said "They say use a headpiece,a wireless headpiece."
看了 各位大侠,请帮忙翻译下这几句...的网友还看了以下:

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