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作文when an old man falls down,what's you
作文when an old man falls down,what's your choice?why
作文when an old man falls down,what's your choice?why
when l see an old person fall down in the street I want to help him.He falls down is good Samaritan helped up,but said the stranger is the culprit she pushed.Although the court sentenced the passers-by not guilty,but there were such a thing,let those who want to do good deeds.In the course of time,no one to "trouble",think this kind of person is a "fool".So there will be eight year old man died in the passers-by crowd of things.
But,we can because of fear of "trouble" can't do "fool"?If still around it,we these claimed that people in the new century and what is the difference between the old society and that those be petrified people?Everything is hard in the beginning,only the first step,there will be people imitate.Dare to do the mentality of people,will be more and more.Don't trust if we dare to abandon heart,dare to do "fool",then,will the relationship between people and gradually improve.I would like to be the first "".
I believe,as long as the sale of the first step,the other not so difficult.We are all the children of the Yellow Emperor,we are China's children,we know "care for the young".Our bodies are flowing in the same ancestral blood.We,this is one family.In this case,each other also have what misunderstanding?Please believe me,please let me help you,I support you.Because,we are one family!
But,we can because of fear of "trouble" can't do "fool"?If still around it,we these claimed that people in the new century and what is the difference between the old society and that those be petrified people?Everything is hard in the beginning,only the first step,there will be people imitate.Dare to do the mentality of people,will be more and more.Don't trust if we dare to abandon heart,dare to do "fool",then,will the relationship between people and gradually improve.I would like to be the first "".
I believe,as long as the sale of the first step,the other not so difficult.We are all the children of the Yellow Emperor,we are China's children,we know "care for the young".Our bodies are flowing in the same ancestral blood.We,this is one family.In this case,each other also have what misunderstanding?Please believe me,please let me help you,I support you.Because,we are one family!
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