阅读下列短文 从所给的四个项中 选出最佳答案。
Mrs. Scott bought a new house last year. The walls of the rooms had been painted a short time before and Mrs. Scott liked the color but the person who had sold her the house had taken the curtains (窗帘) with him so Mrs. Scott had to buy new ones. Of course she wanted to buy those that would match the walls of her rooms. She found out that her comb (梳子) was just the same color as these walls. So she always took it with her whenever she went to look for cloth for curtains.
In one shop she showed the shop keeper the comb and then looked at different cloth for curtains for half an hour with him until he got tired and said to her "Madam wouldn't it be easier just to buy some cloth you like and then find a new comb to go with that? "
1. Why did Mrs. Scott have to buy new curtains? [ ] A. Because the person who sold the house had lost the curtains. B. Because the person who sold the house did not leave the curtains. C. Because she thought there should be new curtains in a new house. D. Because the old curtains had been stolen. 2. What kind of curtains did Mrs. Scott want? [ ] A. The kind that would be paid a little money. B. The kind that would be neither expensive nor cheap. C. The kind that would go with the walls. D. The kind that would go with the doors. 3. Why did Mrs. Scott always take the comb with her whenever she went to look for cloth for curtains? [ ] A. Because the color of the comb was what she wanted. B. Because the comb was the only one she had. C. Because she didn't want to lose the comb. D. Because the color of the comb was quite different from that of other combs. 4. What do you think is the color of her comb? [ ] A. Red. B. Grey. C. Green. D. We don't know. 5. What might Mrs. Scott do after she heard the shop keeper's works? [ ] A. She could not follow his advice. B. She immediately followed his advice. C. She changed her mind and bought some cloth. D. She thanked the shop keeper for his advice.
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