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YanDiLing is located in the west of hunan province of zhuzhou tianxinli 17 km of the territory of the deer.
About the record of the emperor yan motion in the writing of the jin dynasty HuangFuMi the emperor century \"yan,\" in one hundred and twenty,and was buried changsha died.\" According to the LingXian ambition \"it records,western han dynasty mausoleum here has,the late period of western han dynasty,green,red army,the city with eyebrow people worry about LuanBing excavations,hence will mausoleum razed to the ground.Tang dynasty,Buddhism was introduced into LingQian,a buddhist temple,called \"TangXing temple\",however LingQian \"is FengSi\".
YanDiLing since song TaiZu dry DE five years after build temple,and so far,more than years history,with Chinese dynasties,the rise and fall of change,also experienced the vicissitudes of life,yan temple repeatedly constructs,and has repeatedly destroyed destroyed repeatedly constructs.
The qing eleven years (1733 AD),ZhiXian ZhangJunFeng use,according to the GuoTang qing dynasty of the ancient temple to be released DiWangLing unified format reconstruction,ling ling house and also collectively referred to as \"temple is by name.The building of the house of the YanDiLing laid the basic form,with the entire house is copy the palace building,is spectacular,reflected in ancient China building traditional features.
YanDiLing house was burned,repairs after YanDiLing temple has become the descendants of the strong desire.Since the third plenary session of the mature,repair conditions.On June 28,1986 by the people's government,LingXian presided over the house,with the restoration project to constructing swbway,in October 1988 victory completion.The YanDiLing house repaired,the scale is a slight expand before,the whole building covers an area of 3836 square meters.Divided into five into:the first,the second for meridian gate into the pavilion,the third in salute to the main halls,the fourth for the pavilion,for the fifth into for barrow.Outside the temple and repair the wing fengtai,day embassy,deer the original accessory buildings pavilion,etc.The whole building resplendent and magnificent,QiaoJiao double-hipped roof,is spectacular,rich traditional style.
炎帝陵位于湖南省株洲市炎陵县城西17公里的鹿原镇境内. 关于炎帝神农氏安葬地的记载,最早见于晋代皇甫谧撰写的《帝王世纪》,炎帝“在位一百二十年而崩,葬长沙.” 据地方史《酃县志》记载,此地西汉时已有陵,西汉末年,绿林、赤眉军兴,邑人担心乱兵发掘,遂将陵墓夷为平地.唐代,佛教传入,陵前建有佛寺,名曰“唐兴寺”,然而陵前“时有奉祀”. 炎帝陵自宋太祖乾德五年建庙之后,迄今已有千余年历史,随着历代王朝的兴衰更替,炎帝庙也历尽沧桑,屡建屡毁,屡毁屡建.雍正十一年(公元1733年),知县张浚奉文动用国帑,按清王朝公布颁行的古帝王陵殿统一格式重建,陵庙也统称陵殿而正其名.这次修建奠定了炎帝陵殿的基本形制,整座陵殿为仿皇宫建筑,气势恢宏,体现了我国古代建筑的传统特色.
炎帝陵殿被焚以后,重新修复炎帝陵殿已成为广大炎黄子孙的强烈愿望.党的十一届三中全会以后,修复条件日趋成熟.1986年 6月28日,由酃县人民政府主持,陵殿修复工程正式破土动工,到1988年10月胜利竣工.重修后的炎帝陵殿,规模较前稍有扩大,整个建筑占地面积3836平方米.分为五进:第一进为午门,第二进为行礼亭,第三进为主殿,第四进为墓碑亭,第五进为墓冢.殿外修复了咏丰台、天使馆、鹿原亭等附属建筑.整个建筑金碧辉煌,重檐翘角,气势恢宏,富有民族传统风格.
About the record of the emperor yan motion in the writing of the jin dynasty HuangFuMi the emperor century \"yan,\" in one hundred and twenty,and was buried changsha died.\" According to the LingXian ambition \"it records,western han dynasty mausoleum here has,the late period of western han dynasty,green,red army,the city with eyebrow people worry about LuanBing excavations,hence will mausoleum razed to the ground.Tang dynasty,Buddhism was introduced into LingQian,a buddhist temple,called \"TangXing temple\",however LingQian \"is FengSi\".
YanDiLing since song TaiZu dry DE five years after build temple,and so far,more than years history,with Chinese dynasties,the rise and fall of change,also experienced the vicissitudes of life,yan temple repeatedly constructs,and has repeatedly destroyed destroyed repeatedly constructs.
The qing eleven years (1733 AD),ZhiXian ZhangJunFeng use,according to the GuoTang qing dynasty of the ancient temple to be released DiWangLing unified format reconstruction,ling ling house and also collectively referred to as \"temple is by name.The building of the house of the YanDiLing laid the basic form,with the entire house is copy the palace building,is spectacular,reflected in ancient China building traditional features.
YanDiLing house was burned,repairs after YanDiLing temple has become the descendants of the strong desire.Since the third plenary session of the mature,repair conditions.On June 28,1986 by the people's government,LingXian presided over the house,with the restoration project to constructing swbway,in October 1988 victory completion.The YanDiLing house repaired,the scale is a slight expand before,the whole building covers an area of 3836 square meters.Divided into five into:the first,the second for meridian gate into the pavilion,the third in salute to the main halls,the fourth for the pavilion,for the fifth into for barrow.Outside the temple and repair the wing fengtai,day embassy,deer the original accessory buildings pavilion,etc.The whole building resplendent and magnificent,QiaoJiao double-hipped roof,is spectacular,rich traditional style.
炎帝陵位于湖南省株洲市炎陵县城西17公里的鹿原镇境内. 关于炎帝神农氏安葬地的记载,最早见于晋代皇甫谧撰写的《帝王世纪》,炎帝“在位一百二十年而崩,葬长沙.” 据地方史《酃县志》记载,此地西汉时已有陵,西汉末年,绿林、赤眉军兴,邑人担心乱兵发掘,遂将陵墓夷为平地.唐代,佛教传入,陵前建有佛寺,名曰“唐兴寺”,然而陵前“时有奉祀”. 炎帝陵自宋太祖乾德五年建庙之后,迄今已有千余年历史,随着历代王朝的兴衰更替,炎帝庙也历尽沧桑,屡建屡毁,屡毁屡建.雍正十一年(公元1733年),知县张浚奉文动用国帑,按清王朝公布颁行的古帝王陵殿统一格式重建,陵庙也统称陵殿而正其名.这次修建奠定了炎帝陵殿的基本形制,整座陵殿为仿皇宫建筑,气势恢宏,体现了我国古代建筑的传统特色.
炎帝陵殿被焚以后,重新修复炎帝陵殿已成为广大炎黄子孙的强烈愿望.党的十一届三中全会以后,修复条件日趋成熟.1986年 6月28日,由酃县人民政府主持,陵殿修复工程正式破土动工,到1988年10月胜利竣工.重修后的炎帝陵殿,规模较前稍有扩大,整个建筑占地面积3836平方米.分为五进:第一进为午门,第二进为行礼亭,第三进为主殿,第四进为墓碑亭,第五进为墓冢.殿外修复了咏丰台、天使馆、鹿原亭等附属建筑.整个建筑金碧辉煌,重檐翘角,气势恢宏,富有民族传统风格.
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